ASCII Scroller Planning

Enemies: fatman   bat   swordsman  mage  Bunny    
            o     -m-       M       Oi     H
Items:      money   chest 
            $      /y\
Obstacles:  spikes lava    teleporter
              VV    ~~    :::: or ....
#                         x     ###
#                               # 
#                      ######   #
#                               #
#          ##                   #       
#  p      ####          iO      #

      ...      .     .
o    : O :    :   O   : Shoots in an aoe around

m     xMx    Melee, runs at you and slashes (turns big)

Oi iO Mage, shoots --] or [-- or (-- or --)

/m\  -m-  \m/ Bat, flies in lines

H      Bunny, Bounces up and down
- H
- - H
  - =

in use active inactive
;;;;;  :::::   .....
;;;;;  :::::   ..... Teleporter
;;;;;  :::::   .....

                                      XX     XX
p q Player, shoots > or < or slashes pXX or  XXq

        Higher jump
            Upgrade  0  1  2  3
            (blocks) 3  4  5  6
        Larger projectiles
            Upgrade 0  1  2  3
                    >  >  >  >
                       >  >  >
                          >  >
        Bonus Gold from $
            Upgrade 0   1    2     3
                   +0% +25% +50%  +100%

        Slow time powerup
            Upgrade 0    1    2    3
                    0s   3s   5s   8s

        Shield (regenerates over time)
            Upgrade 0    1    2    3 
                    p   (p)  [p]  {p}

$ gold : used to buy upgrades

/y\ chest, closed
/Y\ chest, open

|<| arrow shooter, shoots <-
# key to chest

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lava


invisible trap, triggers  <--- arrows going across screen


  • position {x,y}
  • ai_type (bat,mage,etc.)
  • current_action
    Bunny: bouncing/jumping Fatman: Firing
  • action_frame
  • faceDir
  • moveDir
  • shield_count
  • isMoving


  • if moving, move in direction we’re moving
  • Check for collisions with projectiles, act accordingly
  • Check for collisions with GameObjects, act accordingly

    Player (built off entity)

  • Upgrades
  • projectile_count


  • current_level
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|               +++                                                                                |
|             +++++++                                                                              |
|            +++  +++++   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                         |
|    +++++   ++     ++++++                                                ++++++          +++++    |
|   ++ ++++     +++++              Level 4 - Some Level name                   +++++     ++++ ++   |
|      +++++  +++                                                                  +++  +++++      |
|      +++++++          Gold:                               Keys:                     +++++++      |
|++++++++++++                                                                          ++++++++++++|